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retirement provision

So that you can go into the future without worries.

// our services

Your advantages

Financial security

Retirement planning offers financial security in retirement. It ensures you a stable source of income, protects you from financial hardship and enables you to live a worry-free life in old age.

Protection for your family

Retirement planning not only secures your own future, but also that of your family. With smart planning, you can ensure financial stability for your loved ones in the event of the unexpected and thus create an important basis for security for your loved ones.

Tax benefits

Retirement planning not only offers financial security in retirement, but also brings tax advantages. Through targeted precautions, you can save taxes and build up your wealth in the long term. The state supports you in this. We'll show you how.

Do you already have existing contracts? Do a free check-up now

Our way of working

We advise online or, if desired, in person.

It is important to correctly understand your individual situation in order to create a tailored concept for your own wishes and goals.

1. Analysis of your financial situation

The first step in all financial matters is analyzing your current situation. This includes reviewing your income, expenses, debts, assets, and personal desires and goals. This all happens during our free initial appointment.

2. Planning your concept

After we have collected all of your information, we will step back and develop a plan tailored to you based on your own interests and needs.

3. Presentation and implementation

Next, we will present you with your individual plan. We will answer all your possible questions and optimize the concept holistically according to your wishes. If everything is right, we will implement this plan together so that you can achieve your financial goals.

Plans change

Of course, we are always at your side if your life or ideas change. Urban & Team is committed to a holistic financial concept that will accompany you throughout your life.

At your request, we will maintain regular contact with you so that your finances are taken care of and you can get through life without any worries.

A picture of Mario & Alexander Urban, the leaders and founders of Urban & Team | Independent financial advice

Many of us want control over our income, and this is actually possible when it comes to retirement planning.

The pension represents nothing other than future income, which, however, is no longer negotiable from the point of receipt.

Unlike a traditional job, you cannot change employers or achieve a higher “salary” through further training. Your pension remains unchanged for the rest of your life.

Therefore, it is crucial to approach this topic with professional advice and individual strategies.

We'll help you with that.

Book your free, non-binding initial appointment online now

  • Was ist meine Aufgabe als Partner?
    Als Partner liegt deine Aufgabe darin, unser Unternehmen deinen Followern durch eine Werbekampagne näherzubringen. Den tatsächlichen Umfang der Werbung entscheidest allein du.
  • Habe ich als Partner Verpflichtungen?
    Als Partner bist du uns zu nichts verpflichtet, denn du entscheidest über den Umfang unserer Partnerschaft. Wichtig ist uns jedoch, dass du, wenn du Werbung für uns machst, unsere Marke und unser Unternehmen stets sauber präsentierst und jegliche Negativität vermeidest.
  • Wie werde ich Partner?
    Um Partner bei Urban & Team zu werden, wähle unten einen Termin aus und fülle das dazugehörige Formular aus. Daraufhin setzen wir uns in einem persönlichen (Online-)Gespräch zusammen und lernen uns kennen. Wenn wir feststellen, dass alles passt, gehen wir gemeinsam die nächsten Schritte an.
  • Wie erhalte ich meine Auszahlungen?
    Im Falle einer Partnerschaft erhältst du automatisch jeden Monat eine Abrechnung und Überweisung deiner dir zustehenden Einnahmen.
  • Muss ich irgendetwas bezahlen / einbringen?
    Nein, du musst nichts bezahlen oder einbringen, um Partner bei Urban & Team zu werden. Unsere Partnerschaft ist auf Gegenseitigkeit und Zusammenarbeit ausgerichtet, ohne dass du finanzielle Mittel investieren musst.
  • Was beinhalten eure Leistungen?
    Wir bieten eine Allfinanzberatung. Heruntergebrochen ist das: Finanzanalyse, Investmentberatung, Versicherungen, Altersvorsorge, Immobilienfinanzierung, Sparberatung, Vermögensberatung, Bankgeschäfte und Kredite.
  • Was ist, wenn ich nur eine bestimmte Sache möchte?
    Auch absolut in Ordnung! Wenn du einen Termin für ein bestimmtes Produkt ausmachen möchtest, werden wir dir selbstverständlich deinen Wunsch erfüllen. Wir beantworten dabei natürlich alle deine Fragen und prüfen gemeinsam, ob beispielsweise die von dir gewünschte Versicherung oder Geldanlage wirklich die richtige Wahl für dich ist.
  • Wie verbessert ihr finanzielle Situationen?
    Ganz einfach: indem wir dir zuhören! Wir nehmen uns Zeit, um herauszufinden, was du wirklich möchtest, deine Wünsche und Ziele. Anschließend analysieren wir deine Finanzen, um einen maßgeschneiderten Plan zu erstellen, mit dem du deine Ziele erreichst und mehr Geld sparst.
  • Was erwartet mich bei meinem Termin?
    Bei deinem ersten Termin erwartet dich ein einfaches Kennenlerngespräch mit einem Berater aus unserem Team. Wir lernen dich und deine Situation kennen und erfassen deine Wünsche und Ziele, damit wir dich auch wirklich gut beraten können.
  • Was bedeutet für euch Kundenservice?
    Eine dauerhafte Partnerschaft ist für uns das Wichtigste. Du wirst einen festen Ansprechpartner haben, der nicht nur deine Situation analysiert und einen auf dich zugeschnittenen Plan erstellt, sondern diesen Plan auch gemeinsam mit dir umsetzt! In der Regel treffen wir uns mindestens einmal im Jahr mit unseren Kunden, um zu überprüfen, ob alles noch passt und ob sich möglicherweise etwas an deinen Wünschen oder Zielen geändert hat. Wir sind und bleiben dein Ansprechpartner für alle finanziellen Angelegenheiten und stehen dir jederzeit zur Verfügung.
  • Was kostet eure Beratung?
    Unsere Beratung und Kennenlerngespräch ist selbstverständlich für dich kostenfrei.
  • Wie werdet ihr bezahlt?
    Ganz einfach: Wir arbeiten auf Provisionsbasis! Nach unserem Kennenlerngespräch wissen wir genau was du möchtest und erhalten nach Abschluss eine Provision.
  • Wer bezahlt die Provision?
    Die Provision wird direkt von unseren Partnergesellschaften an uns ausgezahlt. Das bedeutet, dass Du für unsere Beratung nichts zusätzlich bezahlen musst. Stattdessen erhalten wir von den Produktanbietern eine Vergütung dafür, dass wir Dich erfolgreich beraten und Dir passende Finanzprodukte vermitteln konnten.
  • Was ist, wenn ich nichts Abschließe?
    Dann entstehen keine Kosten. Wenn wir deine Wünsche und Ziele nicht erfüllen können und keine Zusammenarbeit zustande kommt, war unser Gespräch eine reine Serviceleistung für dich und somit kostenfrei.
  • Sind Provisionen nicht schlecht?
    Provisionen werden oft als "böse" angesehen, aufgrund gieriger Berater und ähnlicher Vorurteile. Der Vorteil unserer Arbeitsweise liegt darin, dass wir zuerst nach deinen Wünschen und Zielen fragen. Dadurch wird die Provision erst fällig, wenn wir diese erreichen, was einen transparenten und auf deine Bedürfnisse zugeschnittenen Service gewährleistet.
  • What can I expect at my first appointment?
    At our initial appointment you can expect a direct conversation with one of our employees. We introduce ourselves and show you exactly how we can help you. If you like our way of working, we will record your current situation: income, expenses, wishes and goals. Then the appointment ends and we create an individual schedule for you, which we will present to you at the next meeting.
  • Is the consultation really free?
    Yes! The consultation is completely free and non-binding. We only make money when a deal is concluded and we have been able to improve your financial situation. This is how we ensure optimal financial advice for you.
  • Do you offer pension plans for civil servants?
    Yes! We offer comprehensive retirement provision for civil servants and also generally provide holistic advice in all financial areas, especially for civil servants. If you have any questions, just book your free initial appointment!
  • I'm still young. Why plan for retirement now?
    We get asked this question quite often. The principle is simple: If you start early, you can have a lot of money in old age for little money today. A z. B. A 20-year-old can receive more pension with €50 per month than a 45-year-old who invests €300 per month. With us you can start with very small contributions. Book an appointment now and get free advice.
  • I don't have much money, is it even worth it?
    Retirement planning is a very important topic. If you start at a young age, you can achieve a lot with very small contributions. If you are unsure, book an appointment with us and we will help you without any hassle.
  • What can I expect at my first appointment?
    At our initial appointment you can expect a direct conversation with one of our employees. We introduce ourselves and show you exactly how we can help you. If you like our way of working, we will record your current situation: income, expenses, wishes and goals. Then the appointment ends and we create an individual schedule for you, which we will present to you at the next meeting.
  • What is the difference between an initial telephone call and an initial appointment?
    Our initial telephone call gives you the opportunity to clarify any questions and personally discuss how we can help you. If everything fits, we will arrange a proper appointment. You can skip the initial phone call by booking an initial appointment directly. Important to know: We work both online and in person, provided you come from Baden or the Palatinate. Book your appointment now!
  • I don't have much money, is it even worth it?
    To 100%. We help people with all incomes and show them how they can improve and optimize their financial situation.
  • My account is in deficit. Can you help me?
    Of course we can't promise anything because every situation is different, but we will do what we can to improve your financial situation. We regularly show our customers how you can really save money by optimizing your current situation. Feel free to test it yourself.
  • Is the consultation really free?
    Yes! The consultation is completely free and non-binding. We only make money when a deal is concluded and we have been able to improve your financial situation. This is how we ensure optimal financial advice for you.
  • What can I expect at my first appointment?
    At our initial appointment you can expect a direct conversation with one of our employees. We introduce ourselves and show you exactly how we can help you. If you like our way of working, we will record your current situation: income, expenses, wishes and goals. Then the appointment ends and we create an individual schedule for you, which we will present to you at the next meeting.
  • What are possible risks?
    Many risks are often overlooked. Think about this: Am I covered if I can no longer work tomorrow? Am I covered if I can no longer walk? What if there is water damage in my apartment? Am I adequately protected against the loss of all my belongings in a house fire?
  • What is the difference between an initial telephone call and an initial appointment?
    Very simple: Our initial phone call is a very simple phone call between us and you. In this telephone call we will answer any questions you may have and explain to you personally how we can help you. If everything fits, we'll make a real appointment. You can skip the initial telephone call by booking an initial appointment directly. The only important thing is: We work online, as well as in person, provided you come from Baden or the Palatinate. Book your desired appointment easily now!
  • I don't have much money, is it even worth it?
    Good insurance is important and affordable. If you are unsure or skeptical, simply book your free initial appointment. We'll show you what fits into your budget and what doesn't. You will be surprised.
  • What is the difference between an initial telephone call and an initial appointment?
    Our initial telephone call gives you the opportunity to clarify any questions and personally discuss how we can help you. If everything fits, we will arrange a proper appointment. You can skip the initial phone call by booking an initial appointment directly. Important to know: We work both online and in person, provided you come from Baden or the Palatinate. Book your appointment now!
  • I don't have much money, is it even worth it?
    To 100%. We help people with all incomes and show them how they can improve and optimize their financial situation.
  • What exactly is a financial analysis?
    During our financial analysis (initial appointment) we record your current situation in order to identify optimization potential. Our goal is to improve your situation, and for this it is important to identify possible weak points. Our financial analysis is free of charge for you.
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